First-belly picture at 37 weeks. HUGE. It's ok. We like big, healthy babies. I'm now considered "full term"! Feeling great! Still able to work out--we got new kickboxing equipment at the Y and tonight was our first time using it and it was SO fun, but really hard!!! I'll probably be sore tomorrow!! Have been noticing a lot more contractions that are timeable for about an hour and I have been feeling more in my lower back. Still not sure which route we'll go. Just have to wait!
Weight: 164 (yikes, 1 lb away from my goal to not get OVER)
Belly: 43 1/2 inches
Effacement: 50%
Dilation: 2-3 cm
So, let's take a poll. Try and guess if Mia will arrive before the 16th!!! It will be fun to see who guesses correctly! And, while you're at it, go ahead and guess how much she'll weigh!
Preping my toes before birth is a MUST. You HAVE to have pretty toes when you go in to have a baby!!! So Haley, Emily, Cyndi and myself went and got pedicures this morning. It was lovely! :)
Look at that pretty flower she put on my big toe! :)
My friend, Deanna, came up from Indy to visit today. She's expecting a boy in October!! We have such a good time hanging out. She will be celebrating her daughter, Parker's, 2nd birthday in August. It's crazy that it's been almost 2 years. We are both so excited and nervous as we await the arrival of our first baby after losing one to vasa previa. We just get each others fears and frustrations. I love her and wouldn't survive without her!
She also has some MAD organizing skills. This is now what Mia's closet looks like!!! We have WAAAAY too many clothes for this girl. She will never get through all of the outfits that you all have gotten for her!! There are still totes full in the basement with clothes in them......holy cow.
Mia will be hanging out in her $1 garage sale chair next summer. I can't wait!
Mia will be hanging out in her $1 garage sale chair next summer. I can't wait!
Totally random, but another great garage sale bargain!! Our new desk!
Jeremy went and bought these fire works after work today. This is only about HALF of what he wants to get. This is $130 worth. What can I say, he lets me pamper myself, I guess he can spend some money on his own fireworks show!
Ok so here is my guess....
Born: 7/4/09
Weight: 7lbs. 9oz.
Length: 20in.
I picked the 4th b/c I will be in town and I think she is waiting for me to be home to make her appearance! :)Also if she is born on the 4th you can add Liberty or Bottle rocket to her name! Hah! We can't wait!!!
July 12 @ 2:36 PM
8 lbs. 14 oz.
22 in.
Come on, Mia Lynn!!!
July 3rd @ 5:30am 8lbs 3oz 21in. I'm ready anytime, I don't mind being wrong. What's your guess Mandy?
July 8th @High Noon 8 lbs 120z 20 in. Ready and waiting. Love you.
July7th @1:15am 8lbs 8oz 21in Can't wait to meet you!!!
Oh, I love baby polls!
I really want to say the 12th because that's my anniversary, but I'm thinking she's going to come earlier than that. So, I'll go with:
July 6th @ 7:08pm
8 lbs. 4 oz
21 inches
Can't wait to meet little Mia! :)
Grandma Deeter says:
7/7/09 7lbs 7oz With LOTS of hair!
I am going with:
July 5th (my granny's birthday)
8lbs 4oz
20 1/2 inches
Vaginal birth, 3:24 a.m.
I can't wait to hear when she comes!!
I say....
July 10th
8lb 12 oz
good luck! we can't wait for her to arrive and see her pictures!!
July 8 in the afternoon sometime!!
8 lbs. 1 oz.
21 in. long
Can't wait for more updates!! Maybe we'll have to schedule a baby play date with our girls when Mia is a little older!! :)
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