Monday, July 29, 2013

Well Check!

 Mia and Dane went today for their 2 and 4 year well checks!! WHAT??  When did my babies get so big!
Mia Lynn
40 lbs
42 inches tall
85%ile for weight
90%ile for height!!

Dane Alexander
31 lbs
35.25 inches tall
85%ile for weight
77%ile for height!
 Waiting...waiting...waiting :)
 He's my "troublesome" kid.... left ear drum still has a hole in it and that darn tube is still stuck in his ear canal. Plus, he's cutting 2 molars which has caused some sleep disturbances at night. Other than that, he's great :)
 Better keep this to show them when they're 14 and 16....
Oh! And potty training? YES!Dane is potty trained/ing. Peeing in the potty--he does GREAT!!  Still working on this pooping stuff.....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Busy summer

So busy--we don't even have time to put on our clothes ;)

I have been enjoying these 2 beautiful blessings all summer. No grad school, no work (except 1 half day a week) and only plans to play and have fun.
2 weeks left until my new job begins.
I'm excited, nervous, sad.
Excited to begin a new journey. Nervous to be the "new person". And sad to not be with my kiddos everyday!
(they will kill me one day for this, but their little booties are too cute!)