Ok, so Haley is making me look like a major blog slacker!!! I haven't posted many belly pics this pregnancy--partially because I feel huge and, well, I've just been lazy about it!
Here we are at 35 weeks. According to my latest ultrasound, baby D was measuring a little ahead of schedule--and the tech said that he could be here June 21st. I was 16 days early with Mia. June 21 would make me 16 days early with baby D. SOOOO?? We'll see.
35 week belly with my sweet, Connor James.

35 week belly with my sassy, little Miss Mia

and drumroll, please.....35 week belly with baby D!

All 3 pregnancies have been very similar, yet very different!!! The 3rd has definitely been a little harder on my body, I think. But I am still feeling wonderful. Just normal pregnancy aches and pains of things not moving as quickly as they used to.
I love being pregnant, but I'm also very ready to have my body back :) I miss running and swimming and biking!!! My goal is to be back in shape for the triathlon next June! Let's hope 2 kids, grad school and a full time job will allow for that!
AND--here's a collage :)