Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rub a dub dub

I should really be doing some of my reading for grad school, but thought I would post a few pictures from the weekend first :)
Mia went to see Dr. Reyes on Friday!
Weight 15 lbs
Height 26 in
Head 16 in
100% perfect!
She was too busy playing with the crinkle paper on the scale and table, so this was the best shot I got of her! Mia is now eating cereal (starting on starches 1st) every night for dinner. In about a week we will get to try her 1st vege, which will probably be carrots! She told us to introduce 1 new vege about every 4-5 days. So I'm guessing at 7 months she'll get to try some fruits!! Hopefully she'll hate junk food and be a good eater like her daddy!

Just woke up from a little nap on Saturday. She went to watch her cousin Maddie play basketball!

This was TOO funny with all 3 kids in the tub. It was hard to get a good picture of all 3 of them.
The first one is of Mia's sweet shampoo mohawk!
Finding all 50,000 of Jayden's bath toys!
Um, quit stealing my toys Mia! Cannot wait for this summer! These 3 are going to have SO much fun together!


crazy/beautiful said...

How cute that they all took a bath together!

Sara said...

Payton is jealous of Mia's mohawk! P just wants some hair!

I gave P some avocado and she really likes it. All I did was mash it really well with a fork. I put it into ice cube trays and it is in the freezer. When I thaw it, I add a little formula. She loves it!

Chelsea Corwin said...

I like how in the middle bathtime picture all of their legs are in the same identical position. That is hilarious.

Laura said...

She is sooo precious and absolutely adorable!!

Kyle and Karie Wong said...

I love the bathtub pictures!! Mia and her cousins are SO cute!