Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quick update!

We had our 3rd Non-stress test today and met with the Dr. Baby is still active and looking great. Had a few contractions on the strip, too!! The Dr. noticed that she has dropped a bit. Even though we are scheduled for a c-section, they went ahead and did the strep test JUST IN CASE I decide to deliver vaginally. It will all depend on how BOTH of us feel mentally and how quickly she will get here if we go that route. It's still an option, but we both know a quick way to get her here is a c-section. Whether we make it to the 16th will be the question. I'm 50% effaced and 2-3 cm dilated. We'll just have to wait and see.....
And soon.....This family of 3

will become a family of 4.


Kim said...

Wow Little Mia will be here SOON!!!! Keep those legs crossed, we dont want her falling out :)

El said...

Can't wait for Mia!

Kyle and Karie Wong said...

SO happy for you Mandy! Can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful daughter!!

Sara said...

Well, I'm thinking that Mia is going to be coming a little bit sooner than the 16th!

This is so exciting!!

Tasha said...

Wow,it is getting so close! I actually woke up thinking about you yesterday.I know,it's kind of weird,because I really don't even know you that well.I guess God just layed you on my heart.I don't know how you feel about this,but I would love to come see you guys when little Mia is here.God Bless!

Mamaw Kim said...

July 3rd @5:30am 8lbs 3oz 21 in