Sunday, February 8, 2009

Greetings from my Uterus!!

Just a few pictures to share with you all!!!!
This would be a 'shot' of between the legs--the results are inconclusive!

Just waving hello to everyone!!!

How does my skull look? I think I'm pretty cute already!



Sara said...

Darn it - I need to see a better shot of in between the legs! The pic is too small!

Love the skull shot. Very cute little one ya got hanging out in the uterus!!

I go tomorrow morning, so I will post in the afternoon what we find out. I am afraid it will be inconclusive as well, but am excited to try to see!!

El said...

I'm saying boy. I need to dig up Seth's 15 week ultrasound shots...that's where we found out he was a he. Can that picture be bigger?

Anonymous said...

Oh, cute pictures! I want to see the shot between the legs bigger and better too! :)

Your belly is so unbelievably cute! And I can't believe how motivated you are with working out...I want you to be my personal trainer!